Our genius hour; from what I is, is that we are pretty much done, all we have to do is put everything together as well as the video and do some editing. Our Genius Hour are base on the 12 Olympians (the 12 Goddess). At the being of our presentation we are planning on showing the class a video about them such as what kind of power they have, what they can do, who rule who, and why people should or should not believe in them?. I'm not really surprise why other people don't believe in them because me, myself, at first didn't believe in them but after all the research we did I can finally believe that they accurate but honestly I'm still having trouble trying to learn everything about them but the more research I do the more it gets easier, I'm not saying that it would be an easy topic but I can tell you that you will learn something different (unique) but I just hope that you guys (teacher and classmate) that you will learn something new.

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